Sunday, October 07, 2007

8 October 2007

Many many months have passed since Abah's first diagnosed as having cancer. He went for the opeartion on the 22 May 2007 at Putra Jaya Hospital. It was long, tough journey for us as a family. He had his colon remover, about 21 cm of it and he also had his bladder cut. The cancer has spread to his bladder. Alhamdullilah, he doesn't have to wear any colostomy bag like many people do.

Update: 11 October 2007
16 weeks has lapsed since his operation. Now, he is undergoing chemotheraphy (in HKL) and radiotheraphy (in Gleneagles Ampang). But not without any problem actually. Initially, Abah decided not the have his chemo by injection but instead of by oral medication. He refused to stay in the ward. His radiotheraphy is for 5 weeks. To date, he has completed 4 weeks and 4 days of radiotherapy. Tommorrow would be his last day of radiotheraphy. Frankly, he is doing very well. No fever or infection, well except that he is suffering from cirit-birit. The doctor at Gleneagles made a remark that a lot of other people would not tahan the treatment. But Abah is ok.

The chemotheraphy also make him cirit-birit, loya & loss of appetite. Other than that, he is ok. Frankly I am very happy of his progress. Abah is not someone who can stand pain at all. In fact, all the time he is at my home, he would be whining, and whining and whining of sakit perut, tak ade selera and loya. But what can we do? We just listen and ask him to bersabar.

Another two days, then it would be raya. This raya, I am playing host to my family. Since Abah tak sihat lagi and could not go back to kampung, they would be spending the hari raya at my house. Which I am also happy coz I do not have to travel jauh-jauh. Anyway, Selamat Hari Raya. I will try to blog more.