Thursday, March 20, 2008

I have been busy lately. With work, with the family, with my new passion, three blogs to update!! My stories were everywhere. Anyway, my youngest sister got married on the 9th Mar 2008. A day after the election. I wont touch on the election, it was all over the newspapers and other people's blog. You can get enough information on the election from them.

The kenduri did not go without any problems, mak and abah were busy commuting between kampung to HKL or kampung to Hospital Putrajaya. Abah is still under treatment until the 4th Mar 2008. Both of them refused to use the catering services, both insisted on berkampung and masak. Then, Pak Lah announced the election date, since everybody else busy with the election, there are not enough person to help with the cooking, washing, setting up the table.

But alhamdullilah, we managed to pull through eventhough it was raining the whole day.

So, here is the photo. Selamat Pengantin Baru and Semoga kekal hingga akhir hayat. There's only one "pesanan" for both of them, make an effort to show your affection to each other for as long as you two are married to each other, never take each other for granted, oops... that's two!!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

It has been long time since I last blog. No reason offered for the long absent. I have been reading other's people blog. Too lazy to write for my own. Now, I have found a new motivation to blog. Watch up for the new look. Anyway, Abah is ok now. He completed his 6 cycles of chemo, well almos completed. He did not complete the last one. He had it for two days then his body couldnt take it anymore. The chemo triggered the gastric juice and cause him to have chest pain. Doctor suspected it to be heart attack but after 3 days of monitoring, there was no evidence of heart attack. Doctor stopped the chemotheraphy. He is home now, busy preparing for Siti's wedding. Other than that, he is ok. Alhamdullilah.