Abah's monthly check up turned out ok. Nothing is wrong with him. That's what the doctor said. Most probably, the pain that he felt at the left side is due to operation that he had but nothing serious. The doctor gave him some pills and that's about it. Tak tahulah.
Mak told me yesterday night that there's one night Abah had a nightmare. He was reading a surah from the Quran. Mak did not wake him coz he was reading it correctly. When he woke up, he told mak that the lady who is always in his dream said that somebody is trying to put a spell on Mak and Abah but Abah is the only yang kena. Something was buried at one of the tiang rumah. But in the dream, Abah had removed it.
Not long before that, Mak told me that memang ada kesan of somebody tanam something kat belakang rumah. Fiqar wanted to dig it out and see what was it but Wan tak bagi. So, tak tahulah but I just pray that Allah lindungilah both Abah and Mak. Abah sentiasa sakit at specific time only. Other time, he is ok. I told Mak to get help, spritually.
Taking about paranormal activity, here's some photo send by Marini:
Kengkawan semua,
Ini ada berita tergempar.... di sewaktu matahari tegak satu objek tak berkepala kelihatan di tempat parking kereta bersebelahan tiang bendera. Objek tak berkepala tersebut dipercayai adalah seorang buruh cina yang telah dihukum pancung oleh tentera jepun semasa perang dunia ke-2. Adalah dipercayai kawasan ini adalah tempat perkuburan mangsa pancung ............ HATI-HATI.... terutama waktu matahari tegak... atau dekat waktu maghrib.
AWAS berita ini hanya untuk orang tertentu sahaja.... secret and confidential... untuk mengelakan timbul kekacauan dan ketakutan warga R&D ... yang mana boleh menggangu prestasi syarikat.... nanti tak da bonus maa...............