Sunday, July 19, 2009

Abah's gone...

Probably, this is one of the last postings I will made here. Have to find the motivation to write again. My abah passed away on 11 July 2009 at 3.59 am in Hospital Putrajaya. He was 65 year-old. Tak tahu apa nak tulih lagi. Semuanya ada dalam memori, vividly. My last time with him at the hospital, bagi dia makan ubat, minum air. Temankan dia solat. Tenangkan dia. At 2.45 am, I saw him unconsious but breathing at the hospital bed. 3.59 am, he was gone.

Abah, you will always be in my heart. Tak puas lagi rasanya nak berbakti pada abah. I love you abah.