Wednesday, September 30, 2009

I want to post something during the Hari Raya break via my hp but unfortunately I was not able to log in. Anyway, this Hari Raya was the most difficult and saddest Hari Raya. It was our first raya without Abah. Not all of us came back for the first day of Raya. This year was the in-laws' turn. Ayus & family, the boys and my family were with mak on the first day of raya. We went to the grave to offer prayer to Abah. Sedihnya, terasa kosong masa sambut Hari Raya. I still remember the last raya with Abah. Abah was smiling away with all the grandchildren around him. Sarah was on his lap. He looked so fine and happy.

We made Bi hun Soto and ketupat Palas (first time ever). No lemang and ketupat daun kelapa this year. Mak prepared rendang ayam. Ayus arrived on Saturday night. She cooked kuah kacang for the ketupat (brand nona!). Normally abah will find the daun kelapa to make sarung ketupat. Not this year, no more.....

The second day, we had tahlil for Abah. Abg Labu, Abg Bad and Kak Nor came over to visit Mak. Then Achik and Pak Jang came. Mak cried when she saw Pak Jang came. That was the first time he came and asked about her after Abah's gone. I dont understand it why Pak Jang didnt bother to visit her own sister. Entahlah.

Today is mak's birthday. I am going to call her later to wish her Happy Birthday. Semoga Allah memberi mak kekuatan and kesihatan untuk meneruskan kehidupannya tanpa Abah. Amin.

visit this blog to read on Raya with a difference at the perantauan It really touches my heart and it reminded me of mak. Raya with a Difference...........

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

It has been almost 2 months since abah left us now. Rindu nak jumpa abah semula. Last night during terawih, I saw somebody at the men's saf who look like abah from the back. Menitis air mata when reality sink in. That was not abah and I will never see abah again except dalam syurga nanti.

Mak is at kampung with Danial and Fiqar. Alhamdullilah, both of them are at home. If not, mak would be lonely. I will call mak every other day. Sometimes mak is ok, sometimes she sounds so sad. I know she misses abah. All of us do. Still teringat the last moment with abah. Ramadan ni lagilah teringatkan abah. The food that he loved, the food that he loved to buy for us.

Semoga Allah mencucuri rahmat ke atas roh abah dan tempatkan abah di kalangan orang-orang yang beriman. Amin....