Tuesday, February 27, 2007

About Bibik lagi.
Yesterday night, we brought to see the doctor again. This time to check whether the prescribed pills suit her or not. Well, guess what her BP is 170/xx (can't remember what was the lower part reading) so doctor increase her dose to 150 mg per day. She has to take the pills three times a day. We showed doctor her pills from Indon (her son send it over the postal), but she needs to confirm the active ingredient first in her reference book. This morning, doctor called me and said that the pills is normally prescribed as anti-pyschotic pill to those who has mental illness and also to reduce the blood pressure for hypertension. Ayo, macam nak pitam dengar. She asked me to look sign for depressed, murung or anything that associate to depression. Called Amir immediately after that. Frankly, we just couldn't believe what we heard. I asked Amir whether we are willing to put lives of our children with someone like that.Sigh... God, help me.

On CMMI pulak:
We had our 2nd Taskforce meeting. We are getting desperate now. Things are so complacent with the status quo. We are not moving as fast as we should be. The EPG Lead was blaming the Poject Manager for not performing, not doing things that they need to do. Frankly, I did not agree with him. First of all, the EPG itself never had any meeting to monitor the implementation and the effectiveness. End of argument!! Don't blame anybody else. Period!!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Chinese New Year Weekend - On Saturday, dinner at mak's. Nothing much happened there. Since the kids no longer spend their spent there during the weekdays, I tried to make a point, they get to spend at least once a week at their grandparents' house. Nasib baik ada anak menantu yang baik nih!!, if harapkan Amir....alamatnya Sarah tak kenal Opah & Atuk.

Sunday, went to the Zoo with Fairuz & Ita. Fairuz brought along Anis & Aina. Ita with Aiman. The kids really enjoyed themselves. The mommies... I don't know. I lose my voice because of the sore throat, after the trip, I could not talked at all. Anyway, there's a lion dance show at the zoo at 2.00 pm. The kids were excited with the lion dance so of we went to watch them. As we were approaching the lion, suddenly one of the lion dancers ran towards Izzaty who was in her stroller. He pushed Izzaty towards the drum. I was running to get her back. Mata dia dah bulat of shock! Semua orang gelak. Anyway, while this thing happened, no one in our group realised it. I have to tell them what happened. Anyway, Izzaty claimed dia tak takut pun.

Photo - will be posted later.

Here photos of Aisyah, Izzaty & Sarah. Looking at the photos, there's no doubt they are sibling. All of them look like the father!!

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Most of the memorable event have been taken by another event and yet I am still struggling to find time to update my blog. Today, it is so happened Sarah is still napping and I have done with the cooking an all.

My birthday was on 8th February, yes dah lepas, way way lepas. As usual, my dentist is the first one to wish me Happy Birthday. Without fail, every year!! Showed the sms to Amir, Ala... dia guna system!.. Well, at least he remembers to key in the date into the system. Now, all the tools dah ada!! HP, PDA or computer. Semua ada facility to remember important dates.

Anyway, went to the office, most of my friends wished me Happy Birthday. Arnifa gave birth to her lastest Powerpuff Girl at Annur, 3.40 am. Same birthday with me!!

That night, Aisyah and Izzaty wished me Happy Birthday after a special request made to Amir to tell the childen that it was my birthday. Received hugs and kisses from them.

Went to sleep, only to be waken up at 1.00 am. Amir baru masuk tidur. I told him, he still haven't wished me Happy Birthday. With a closed eyes, he wished Happy Bithday. When I asked him, what time it was. 1.30 am. I said, it's belated now.....

If he is in the running for the most unromantic, unappreciated, indifferent husband, he probably won by a landslide win!! Sigh.....