Thursday, April 26, 2007

I was missing from this blogging activities fro almost two months. Not that I do not have the story to tell but I am just dead busy to go in. Day and night. Day - attending to work in the office, Night - attending to the children. Amir does not complete his MBA yet. He rarely at home, sigh..... I feel like a single parent, in fact I think I am a single parent for almost two years now.

Today, I am going to start a blog journey on Abah. Abah has cancer. We just find out on the 23rd April 2007. Abah has been complaining that he has difficulty to pass motion. May be for the last six months or so. But the last two months were terrible. I asked him to come here for check up. He finally did come for check up. We did a test (ultra sound & x-ray)in SMC but couldn't find anything significant except he has a gallstone in the gallbladder. Other than that he is ok. The Dr wanted him to go for scope (kolonscopy). He refused but he promised to come back later. He did come back to do the scope but only after one month lapse from the first check up.

Before the procedure, he was asked to cleanse the kolon first by fasting and drinking the "fleet". The next morning, Abah, mak and I went to SMC to do the scope. Abah was asked to change his cloth while we waited outside. The procedure took almost two hours. While waiting, Mak and I went shopping at Tesco. I know Mak worried about Abah. After we had lunch, we went straight to SMC. Abah had completed the procedure, so we waited outside for him to change to his clothes back. He went down with Mak by the elevator while Dr Zainal requested me to walk with him through the staircase. I knew there's something terribly wrong. Mak also suspected it too. So Dr Zainal informed me that he found a tumor in Abah's colon and it is blocking the passage. Worst thing is that the tumor is suspected to be cancerous.