Sunday, October 24, 2010

Concert Mysarah

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Getting ready for her concert at home. Make up and all.



Getting ready for the concert at the back of the stage. Make up tak berapa tebal, the teacher tambah lagi. All smile and happy.



Sofea delivers the welcoming speech in English


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Mysarah in Weather Dance. Cute kan? Still all smile and happy…….


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Special performance by Gerry. He provides for FOC.



Mysarah’s 3rd performance, air mata dah meleleh but she did the dance anyway.



Back to her smiling face. When asked why she cried on stage, she said that was Airmata Gembira!!!


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Little Red Riding Hood.



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Sofea doing the Hula.


Overall, it was fun. The children performed wonderfully. The costume was better than the previous year. Siap ada gymnastic lagi. I just got to know that the gymnastic coach was formerly national gymnast.