Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri to all. Sekiranya ada salah dan silap,mohon maaf dari hujung rambut hinggga hujung kaki.

A day before Raya:

Last night, mak, ayah, opah, Ain and Bibik Ah datang bertandang ke rumah for bukak puasa and menghantar rendang and kuah kacang. Bibik telah dihantar ke rumah mak early in the morning to help mak prepare for the rendang and kuah kacang. I stayed home to prepare for the bukak puasa. Started cooking at 3.30 pm and completed everything by 5.30 pm. Bukak puasa was good with lots of dishes yang tak terhabis dimakan. Well, everybody was tired with the raya preparation. Earlier, Amir went to rumah Wan Nyah to prepare lemang. I did not know that he ordered 3 batang lemang. I already ordered 30 bijik of ketupat daun palas from Kak Nafisah. Nasib baik I ordered the smaller version.

After the bukak puasa, we received a sad news from kampung. Anak Mak Dak, Fuad passed away in an accident with water buffalo (kerbau). He was going to Gopeng to buy himself baju raya after bukak puasa and solat. Tengah jalan, dia berlanggar dengan kerbau yang sedang tidur atas jalan. Ayah bercerita, a few years back, Fuad kena tanduk kerbau. Lama dia kat hospital. Kesudahannya, dia mati terlanggar kerbau pulak. Kalau dah tertulis di Azali lagi, apa nak buat. But the things was, we felt a little bit funny (probably insensitive) to the fact that Fuad's fate has got to do with kerbau!! Anyway, mak and ayah will be going back to kampung menziarah Mak Dak. I was obviously tak baliklah, I am already in my 36 weeks & 4 days!!

24 October 2006

Hari Raya........ called mak kat kampung. All the men went to masjid for sembahyang raya. Mak tak sempat nak ikut dia orang. Tinggallah all the ladies kat rumah. Mintak ampun and all, berkirim salam pada semua before I put down the phone. Boring betul raya ni. We were waiting for mak and ayah to come to our house, before heading to rumah Ayah Nyah.

Bibik telefon Indonesia to speak with her family. Apa lagi, hujan di pagi rayalah, Kakak bagi sekotak tissue pada Bibik. So sorrylah, I eavesdropped her conversation. Adalah yang I faham.


Tuan & Puan amat baik, belikan baju and tudung. Ummi (she called herself ummi jugak) yang pilih sendiri. Ibu puan jugak amat baik. Tak dibagi buat kerja, tidak penat. Tengok TB (TV)......bla-bla, bla-bla........

he he, frankly, since dia pun tak bergaji lagi, I felt oblige to buy her something. In fact I guess those are the benefits as an employer to give to the employee. Yelah, makan minum, barang-barang personal and medical tu semuanya covered. Once a year, bonus in term of baju raya, probably one month salary paid in December coz she got no leave or any off day on Sunday.

Mak and ayah sampai at 11.00 am, We went straight to rumah Ayah Nyah. My goodness, ramainya orang. All his anak-anak except Yop Edi and kak Yong, all his cucu were there. Ambik-ambik gambar, bagi duit raya to the kids etc etc(the usual stuff). Then we went to rumah Opah Mizun kat Hulu Langat. Stayed there until almost 2.30 pm. Bibik dah resah gelisah nak balik. Yelah, dia tak kenal sapa-sapa. Thought of nak pegi rumah kak Yong kat Bangi lepas tu, I said to Amir, Bibik dah resah nak balik rumah and kita pun tak sembahyang lagi. We went straight home and spent the whole afternoon, membuta!!! What a hari raya, tak ada kick langsung!!

25 Oct 2006

The whole morning was, basically nothing happen. Kakak dah resah gelisah nak pegi jalan. Amir ajak pegi rumah Kak Yong lepas zohor nanti. Bibik tak nak ikut. Fine with me, I am getting bored myself. Nasib baik ada Amir's laptop ni so here I am......

See you in a bit if I tak beranak lagi. Frankly, I am so uncomfortable, my belly is so huge, I could hardly sleep at night and my mouth feel bitter all the time, I can't wait actually.