Thursday, January 21, 2010

Hj Idris's Family Day in Bukit Cerakah

The week of Christmas, about 60 people from Hj Idris's Clan gathered in Bukit Cerakah for 3 days, 2 nights of adventure and  fun get together. We rented 2 big houses. WE had barbeque on the first night, the next day we had telematch. Mysarah won first place for kutip gula-gula.

Izzaty getting ready for her event. She lost!!!

Last day was for site seeing. We went to Rumah Iklim , it was winter but the place looked more like in the meat freezer. Ice was everywhere with snow melting and turning to ice.

We went to Menara Peninjau, Mysarah went all the way up. Izzaty was so tired to walk that I have to carry her. Nasib baik ringan aje.