Monday, December 04, 2006

I have delivered a beatiful baby girl - Maisarah on 14th November 2006. Sarah for short. It was the most traumatic birth experience ever for me. I already had two but this one was beyond my word to describe it. Even, my first one is bearable, eventhough I had to endure more than 12 hours of pain and discomfort.

It was an induced labor. I could hardly walk properly. I was already on leave since after hari raya. That Friday, Dr Siti advised me to check in to the ward on Monday as she had detected two strong contractions within half an hour. I was willingly to be induced as the final weeks was too tiring for me already. I could hardly sleep at night anymore.

I was put on the medication at 8.30 am. Had my first real contraction at 9.00 am and it went on and on until 7.30 pm. That was the time I asked for pain killer. My first pain killer. I never had any during my first two except the gas in the labor room. Kuat tak? So the contraction at 5 min apart went on and on, then the 1 min apart also went on and on. I was checked by the nurse every hour, itu yang tak larat sekali tu. By 11.30 pm, I was only dilating 3 cm. Ayo... memang boleh mati mcm ni. Well of courselah I tak mati. 12 pm or so, Dr Siti asked me to go to the labor room. Guess what after she checked on me, she said may be not yet, I have to back to the ward. False Alarm.

But 12.00 pm onward, I was in so much pain that I asked for another pain killer!!! Amir was with me all the time. He was also in pain everytime I had my contraction. He was holding my hand, well I held his hand actually. So every times there's a contraction, I would squeeze his hand and yet he never complaint or cried out loud that I had squeeze his hand too hard. After I delivered, barulah tanya dia sakit ke and he said yes. Sorry dear but nothing really compared to what I experienced.

12.30 am, I was wheeled into the labor room AGAIN! This time for real, I was in so much pain that I could not open my eyes on my way to the labor room pun. Dr Siti was no where in the labor room, obviously she's still at home. The labor was not that long, by 1 am I already felt the baby was coming out. I was screaming asking where's the doctor. My water broke. Then I saw Dr Siti, she hardly have time to put on the plastic apfron on her, I was already pushing the baby. At that time, tak kiralah, doctor sempat ke tidak to sambut the baby. I just wanted her to be out!! Suddenly, Amir kata baby dah keluar. Sarah was delivered at 1.58 am. Everything else after that is a bit blur. The placenta was out not long after that. I then realized that my legs was not on the stirrup, I do not know how much damage I had done to the "down there" but I might have done considerably damage to it.

Anyway, I was wheeled to my ward with Sarah on my side. Sarah was put in the nursery. I could hardly sleep after that though I tried. Amir obviously very tired. Dia tidur dengan lenanya, dengan berdengkur lagi on the extra bed that we requested.

The next morning, Dr Siti came to check on me.

Dr: You cepat betul pagi tadi, I bawak kereta macam in Formula 1!!

well, apa nak buat, my baby dah nak keluar sgt!!