Saturday, December 23, 2006

Today Sarah cukur rambut. Tak ubah macam Amir. All my daugthers look like the father. Anyway, the photo later.

Bibik already started her training to handle Sarah. FENIN! FENIN! She is so lembab,just do everything without thinking, need to told everything and lupa segala benda. I got annoyed with her. Finally, I snapped!! Mulalah sedih and menangis. Aduh!! I have enough of these nonsense. I already paid so much to bring her in, nak menangis pulak. Petang tu mulalah pening. Mata bengkak sampai malam.

The next day, we bring her to see doctor to check on her darah tinggi. She has been complaining sakit kepala and gastrik. Her BP is 200/106. Doctor advised her to be warded. Aduh, FENIN. I have to membela my own maid pulak ni. I said to the doctor, we want ubat aje, we couldn't afford to sent her to the hospital. Serik betullah ambik orang macam ni. I never want her originally. Amir insisted to take her. Now we have to tanggung maid punya treatment and medication.

Bibik still pening even after makan ubat tu. The doctor already warned her that the headache will continue until she finish up all the pill. Next week, there will be another check up.

I dah bising dengan Amir that we have paid so much for her already. Amir nak suruh dia rehat, tak payah buat kerja berat. Yelah tu, I paid so much money for the maid to have a vacation in Malaysia!! Whatever it is, I wont let her dukung Sarah. Manalah tau, tiba-tiba pengsan pulak. Yang susah siapa?! Geram betul rasanya.