Ini Sarah, a few minute after the birth. Muka kakak # 1, mata kakak # 2.
The name, Amir yang pilih. I did not have the chance to name her. I guess he already knew that I was carrying a girl. Anyway, Amir did not register the name for almost two weeks from the birth, coz he wanted it to be spelt Mysara. I said to him, our daugther is not MyKad, I wanted the name to be spelt Maisarah. Mentang-mentang dia drive MyV. Then dia tak nak letak Amira, I said to him, later if Sarah tanya kenapa nama dia tak ade Amira like the sisters, apa nak jawap. At last Amir kata, he wanted to change the name to something else. But I already fell in love with the name. Everybody else dah panggil dia Sarah. So, finally after almost two weeks and much persuasion and endorsement from mak & abah, mak & ayah, it is Amira Maisarah.
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