Monday, March 30, 2009

My next doctor's appointment is tommorrow. I doubt I can go back to work by next week. My neck is still swollen and my voice is still hoarse. Mak said because I ate egg. Well, I did actually, sampai dua biji sekali. I made sunny side up eggs and Amir tak nak makan, so I ate them all.

I am taking Gamat Healing and TF now. Baru dua hari. I am supposed to start on that two weeks ago but tak sempat nak pergi beli. Harapkan my beloved husband memang hopeless in that region!! Hopefully, I will be ok for the next one or two weeks.

I think I gain weight as well duduk kat rumah. Beside, I think my metabolism rate went haywired too.

Staying home has its challenge too. More so when we are not well and cant go anywhere. So, I try not to sleep too much but not to munch on something is quite hard actually. I am not a chip person and I would munch on something really heavy like bread or kuih or nugget and then still have full course of lunch, kadang-kadang siap dengan dessert (ice cream or bread pudding or cake). In my fridge, those things memang ada in stock.

So, friends and foes, if you see me later at the office, please excuse my weight. I would use reason that my metabolism rate has gone haywired because of the lack of thyroid hormon!