Pontianak Harum Sundal Malam
Went to Afifah's wedding at Jubli Perak Hall, SUK in Shah Alam. Arrived at 8.30 pm. The wedding was simple but we had our nasi minyak at 9.30 pm. Adik dah lapar sangat-sangat. She had cake (which is supposed to be the buah tangan) and fruit. Finally after all the pantun-pantun, speeches and singing (ya, nasyid song performed live by what-the-group's-name) over, we had our nasi minyak. All the lauk and nasi habis in no time, adik yang dah makan cake & fruit tu pun makan nasi punyalah banyak jugak. She must be really hungry.
Anyway, Afifah was really prety that nite. I don't think Abg Long & Kak Long actually had their dinner that nite. Tak nampak pun both of them on the main table with the pengantin. Almaklumlah dpt menantu pertama.
Jumpa most of the sedara mara - kak Rodi from KB pun ada, mak Itam, Nana, Kak Elan & Abg Nuar, Kak Yah and ramai lagilah. Yang tak ingat nama pun ada.
Amir insisted nak pegi rumah Pak Ili that nite. Apa lagi, we headed for Putra Jaya. Kakak & Adik dah mengantuk. Tidur all the way there. W e reached there at 11.30 pm. The house is huge and look very expensive with all the kayu berukir from bawah until the 3rd floor. It's a 2 and a half storey semi-d house. Meet all the saudara mara amir pulak kat situ. I didn't not have anything eventhough there were still a lot of food. We left Pak Ili's house at 12.00 with two big plastic bags full with nasi beriani & lauk-lauk, laksa asam etc. Tak habis makan for one week ni.
Sampai rumah at 12.30 am. Get the kids ready for bed. Went to sleep at 1.00 am.
2.00 am :
Amir: Ida, dengar tak suara budak ketawa kat luar?
Me: What? (orang syok tidur kena kejut)
Amir: Dengar tak suara budak ketawa kat luar?
Me: Suara apa? pukul 2. 00 pagi, sapa yang duduk kat luar?
Amir: cuba dengar betul-betul. (Amir look out through the curtain)
Me: Tak nampak apa-apa pun. ( the street light kat jalan and kat play ground tu memang terang)
Went back to bed and I heard THE SUARA and it was mengilai type of laughter!
Me: sapa pulak yang duduk kat luar? Sometimes, burung pun boleh buat suara mcm tu.
Amir: Tapi ada suara orang berborak jugak.
Me: Entahlah, eee...mengantuklah --- zzzzzzzz
The next morning, terfikir semula - what was it? Was it orang, a bird or was it "KEMBALIKAN HIDUP AKU"?