Thursday, July 06, 2006

The Joy of Working - How to find it?
Millions go to work everyday, buthow many can say they are happy working?
Work can be so specialised it isdifficult to see how you are connected to society. When you don't see the connection you may not find meaning in what you do. Without meaning there is no joy.
Salary and compensation no matter how generous has a limited appeal. To love what you do in a lasting way, you must find through your work, the connection with self and society. Only then can your work be your bliss and your life whole. A humble hawker who sees his role in humanity finds happiness knowing he has contributed and added value to society.
To paraphase Pop John Paul II, work bears a mark of humanity, the mark of a person operating within a community of persons. Through work we develop individually and add to the growth around us.
Excerpt from Zubedy's advertisement in STAR 21 Dec 2005
Have I found mine?
I am not so sure. One thing I know I have to move AGAIN to another office. Don't know what to say. 2005 is not my year. I pray to Allah to murahkan my rezeki in 2006. Amin.