Thursday, July 06, 2006

Jalan USJIO November 24, 2005
I am supposed to continue with my book review. Obviously, ilham tak datang lagi.
Semalam jamuan raya SRM, ramai dijemput and ramai tak datang. Food was plentiful, siap tapau untuk makan dinner. Seronok tak payah nak last night. Amir balik dengan the kids bawak pulut kuning and kari (mak bagi). Aiyoo, sapa nak makan semua tu. At last, mana yang boleh simpan, simpan dlm freezer. I had pulut kuning skit, still kenyang from the jamuan. Adik meragam sebab penat main and tak cukup tidur. Dia makan serunding yang Yanti bagi dengan nasi beriani. Sedap serunding tu. Homemade by Yanti's aunt.
Heard something funny over the radio last evening. The DJs were asking listener to call in on funniest and stranges street or kampung name. A lot of callers call. Ade Kpg langak Ikan mati, Jln Snooker, Jln Buang Siul and a lot more. But one guy called the DJ and told them that he saw a street name of "USJIO".
DJ: Wow, that's a strange name, Usjio!
Caller: ya
DJ: Where are you, anyway?
Caller: Um.., I'm at umm USJ
DJ: Ha ha ha That read as USJ 10
Caller: Oh ya...! It's USj 10, Aiyoo I didn't realise it
DJ: Are you trying to funny so that you can win the prize?
Caller: No, no, I totally read it wrongly.
DJ: Are you one of those who shop at "LOTIO" in Bkt Bintang?
Caller: HA ha ha
DJ: Where are you from? Are you from out of town?
Caller: I'm from PJ!!
DJ: HA ha ha