12 August - Ainurul's wedding.
Cukup meriah. Ada live show featuring Nash of Lefthanded. He was the MC. Took a picture of him masa dia nyanyi lagu Syurga di Wajahmu. Ainurul was so her. Her husband looked in dazed!! The food was good, ada ais cendul, buah rambutan and air bandung (the most sedap I ever tasted since majlis hari raya di TMR&D in 1998). Adik wants to eat everything she saw. Amir did not go as he has to finished up his assignment. Siti ikut sekali.
Went to Makro to buy stuff for Kakak's birthday party. Reached home quite late. I was so exhausted from the kenduri and the shopping, I slept until almost Maghrib. Amir called saying he was at PC Fair in KLCC. I thought he was in Shah Alam. Well, he tuang class dia hari tu coz tak siap assignment. He said he's going to be late. I ordered pizza.
He came back at 10 pm. Senyum-senyum. I knew he had bought something at PC Fair tu. I was ready for bed at 12 midnight, Amir senyum-senyum bawak masuk lap top, scanner, entah apa lagi accessories yang dia beli at PC Fair into the room. Patutlah senyum-senyum, shopping sakan rupanya. At almost 3.00 am, he was still on his new lap top.
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