Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Today is the 61-year marks the Nagasaki Atomic Bombing. No, I am not over yet with the Atomic Bomb stories. Here a statistic that I get from the internet:

· Levelled Area...................6.7 million square meters
· Damaged Houses:
Completely Burned ------11,574
Completely Destroyed-----1,326
Badly Damaged------------5,509
· Casualties
(Large numbers of people died in the following years from the effects of radioactive poisoning.)

As a conclusion: Stop the war, abolish nuclear weapon, have more compassion, love the earth. We only have one chance!!

Anyway, I am busy preparing birthday party for Kakak this weekend. Thought of ordering mee hoon goreng and roti jala form Kak Nor. Unfortunately, she also preparing a birthday party for her cucu. Nampaknya kena cari orang lain tolong buatkan. Ordered cup cakes form Mijae. She's going to arrange them jadi one big birthday cake. Kakak is excited with the party. I think the last time we had for her when she was two or three-year. It has been a long time. This year kena buat for her as she is going to transfer to a new school next year. Amir won't be around to help me with the party. Mak will be at a kenduri tengahari tu. Tak tahulah, how I am going to manage.

Miza dah bersalin yesterday at Putrajaya Hospital. Baby girl, 3.2 kg, C-section. She was due to have the C-section on the 18 August. Well, I guess her baby nak keluar awal. Her husband was at a course in Intan, couldn't manage to contact him so she was in the operation theather alone. Mak datang much later as Ayah was not around. Kesian betul. I am sure she would be traumatized empat lima tahun nak beranak lagi. She had a difficult pregnancies. Anyway, congratulation to her and hubby. Finally, dpt baby girl after dua tahun kahwin and have to undergo treatment to conceive. I am waiting for my turn tapi lambat lagi..... aaahhhhh