Sunday, August 20, 2006

Ezah's Wedding at Kak Yong's house. Being the eldest, Kak Yong was marrying off her youngest sister. The wedding was ok, the lauk-pauk were so good. Eight pokok kelapa dikorbankan utk masak lemak umbut. The rendang was very good. I didn't get to tapau the rendang which was too bad because it was so good. Anyway, Ezah was wearing purdah. Izzaty tak puas hati as she was not the usual pengantin that Izzaty used to see.

"kenapa dia tutup muka dia?"

"Sebab dia malu"

"Mana tiara dia?"

"Dia tak pakai"

She obviously not satisfied with the pengantin.

"Adik nak pegi shopping"